Sunday, November 6, 2011
November 6 Worship Service
Today we were blessed to worship the Lord together, singing, confessing our faith, confessing our sins, receiving assurance of pardon through Christ our Lord, and hearing a sermon on 1 Chronicles 21. We were reminded to give God our best, not our leftovers, to sacrifice ourselves -- our time, talents, and good gifts -- the way that the Lord sacrificed his only begotten son Jesus. This evening's message "I Am the One Who Comforts You" is from Isaiah 51.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
August 28 Worship Service
Today we were blessed to worship the Lord together, singing, confessing our faith, confessing our sins, receiving assurance of pardon through Christ our Lord, and hearing a sermon on Romans chapter one entitled "Jean Paul Sartre or the Shorter Catechism?" This evening's message "Order in Christ's Church" is from Acts 15:1 - 16:4.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Prayer Request
Please join us in praying for our Mission Congregation in New Orleans as we labor to re-start our congregation that was scattered by Hurricane Katrina. We are grateful for the support of our sister OPC churches in Alabama, Louisiana, and East Texas for their support.
You can see more about this congretation at their website HERE.
You can see more about this congretation at their website HERE.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Donate to Japan Relief
The Diaconal Committee of the OPC has set up a disaster response fund to help with the needs in Japan, and other nations as they arise. You can donate at the website HERE or you can send a check or money order to:
Commmittee on Diaconal Ministries
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
607 N. Easton Rd., Bldg. E
Willow Grove, PA 19090-2539
Checks should be made out to "Orthodox Presbyterian Church" and clearly marked for "CDM—Disaster Response."
Sunday, July 31, 2011
July 31st Worship Services
We would like to invite our friends and neighbors to join us for Sunday Services today. Our worship is Christ centered, reverent, and spiritual. A particular focus is on the Preaching of the Word of God and its application to our lives, teaching us to observe all that Christ our Lord has commanded us. Our services are at 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM.
Pastor Sawyer will be preaching on Luke 12 and the Folly of Materialism, and in the evening our Pastoral Intern, Mr. Kevin Olivier will present a message on the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant from Matthew 18.
Pastor Sawyer will be preaching on Luke 12 and the Folly of Materialism, and in the evening our Pastoral Intern, Mr. Kevin Olivier will present a message on the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant from Matthew 18.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
July 17th Worship Services
This morning's message was based on Luke 13: 1-9. At the beginning of his sermon, Pastor Jack asked us to imagine how most people would react if Noah were there neighbor. How they might scoff at him for building an ark, erecting an eyesore in the neighborhood, bringing down everyone's property value. In New Testament times, many people still don't believe that the Lord is coming back on Judgment Day. Luke 13: 1-9 is a call to repent. Now.
At this evening's service, Pastor Jack will be preaching a message entitled "Inherit a Blessing" based on 1 Peter 3. There will be a Finger Food Fellowship following the service. We would love for you to join us.
Have a blessed day!
At this evening's service, Pastor Jack will be preaching a message entitled "Inherit a Blessing" based on 1 Peter 3. There will be a Finger Food Fellowship following the service. We would love for you to join us.
Have a blessed day!
Monday, July 11, 2011
An Opportunity to Give
We are still collecting donations for The Shepherd Center. Boxes are located in the Fellowship Hall beneath the back table. Let's all pull together and bring pantry staples, so the boxes can look like these.
You can read about The Shepherd Center's Food Pantry HERE. Or if you would like to donate food, volunteer in the pantry, or make a financial contribution call (318) 448-3752.
You can read about The Shepherd Center's Food Pantry HERE. Or if you would like to donate food, volunteer in the pantry, or make a financial contribution call (318) 448-3752.
"A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor." Proverbs 22:9
Sunday, July 10, 2011
July 10th Worship Services
This morning Pastor Sawyer delivered an inspiring message based on Acts 3, the healing of the lamed beggar. His message focused on Christ as the one true prophet and the Bible as the only source we need to hear God's word. We were also blessed to witness Marianne and Kevin Olivier's reaffirmation of faith after joining Pineville Presbyterian OPC by way of transfer of letter.
This evening's service begins at 6:00; we would love to have you join us. Thank you, and may God bless you!
This evening's service begins at 6:00; we would love to have you join us. Thank you, and may God bless you!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Daily Devotionals
Did you know that you can find Daily Devotionals at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church webiste HERE. Each devotional includes a Bible verse along with a devotional. These devotionals come from Morning Thoughts by Octavius Winslow and have been edited for today's reader by Larry Wilson, an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. They are even archived back to January 1 if you want to start at the beginning.
Here's a look at today's devotional:
Morning Thoughts for Today;
by Octavius Winslow, 1856 (edited for
today's reader by Larry E. Wilson, 2010)
Bible Verse
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28).
How brightly the truth appears, written with beams of heavenly light—Jesus, the Rest of the weary!
"Come to me." The Father has made his Son the resting-place of his church. He himself has vested his whole glory in Christ. He knew what Christ was able to sustain. He knew that he could safely entrust the honor of his government into the hands of his Son as One equal with himself. He himself confided in Christ! His government and his church–all in Christ. To this "tried stone" he would now bring his people. He found it strong enough for himself, and he knows it to be strong enough for them, and with confidence he invites the weary to come and rest upon it. Jesus but echoes the heart of the Father when he says, "Come to me... I will give you rest."
Never did the tongue of Jesus utter more learned, more eloquent, more persuasive words. It is just the word we need. By nature, we seek rest everywhere, and in everything, except in Jesus. We seek it in the sensual world, we seek it in the moral world, we seek it in the religious world—we do not find it. We seek it in conviction, we seek it in ordinances, we seek it in doing the works of the law, and still it evades us. We go from place to place, from means to means, from minister to minister, from church to church, and still the burden presses, and still the guilt remains, and still we find no rest. No; and we never will find it until we seek and find it solely, wholly, exclusively, and entirely in Jesus.
Rest for the sin-weary soul is only to be met with in him who bore the curse for man's transgression. Here God rests, and here the sinner must rest. Here the Father rests, and here the child may rest. Jesus is the great burden-bearer, for God and for man.
Listen again to the melody of his words: "Come to me... I will give you rest." See, how he invites you, without a solitary condition. He makes no exception to your guilt and unworthiness. The word is, "Come to me;" in other words, believe in me. To "come" is simply and only to believe. And oh! how can we fully set forth the "rest" to be found it Jesus? Let those testify who took their guilt to his blood, their vileness to his righteousness, their sins to his grace, their burdens to his arm, their sorrows to his heart. Let them tell how, in a moment, their sense of weariness fled, and rest—sweet, soothing rest—came to their soul.
O reader, are you a sin-weary soul? Then, this invitation is addressed to you: "Come to me"—to me, a Savior whose willingness is equal to my ability. To me, who never rejected a single soul who sought salvation and heaven at my hands—"Come to me... I will give you rest."
Here's a look at today's devotional:
Daily Devotional
July 6
Morning Thoughts for Today;
or, Daily Walking with God
by Octavius Winslow, 1856 (edited fortoday's reader by Larry E. Wilson, 2010)
Bible Verse
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28).
How brightly the truth appears, written with beams of heavenly light—Jesus, the Rest of the weary!
"Come to me." The Father has made his Son the resting-place of his church. He himself has vested his whole glory in Christ. He knew what Christ was able to sustain. He knew that he could safely entrust the honor of his government into the hands of his Son as One equal with himself. He himself confided in Christ! His government and his church–all in Christ. To this "tried stone" he would now bring his people. He found it strong enough for himself, and he knows it to be strong enough for them, and with confidence he invites the weary to come and rest upon it. Jesus but echoes the heart of the Father when he says, "Come to me... I will give you rest."
Never did the tongue of Jesus utter more learned, more eloquent, more persuasive words. It is just the word we need. By nature, we seek rest everywhere, and in everything, except in Jesus. We seek it in the sensual world, we seek it in the moral world, we seek it in the religious world—we do not find it. We seek it in conviction, we seek it in ordinances, we seek it in doing the works of the law, and still it evades us. We go from place to place, from means to means, from minister to minister, from church to church, and still the burden presses, and still the guilt remains, and still we find no rest. No; and we never will find it until we seek and find it solely, wholly, exclusively, and entirely in Jesus.
Rest for the sin-weary soul is only to be met with in him who bore the curse for man's transgression. Here God rests, and here the sinner must rest. Here the Father rests, and here the child may rest. Jesus is the great burden-bearer, for God and for man.
Listen again to the melody of his words: "Come to me... I will give you rest." See, how he invites you, without a solitary condition. He makes no exception to your guilt and unworthiness. The word is, "Come to me;" in other words, believe in me. To "come" is simply and only to believe. And oh! how can we fully set forth the "rest" to be found it Jesus? Let those testify who took their guilt to his blood, their vileness to his righteousness, their sins to his grace, their burdens to his arm, their sorrows to his heart. Let them tell how, in a moment, their sense of weariness fled, and rest—sweet, soothing rest—came to their soul.
O reader, are you a sin-weary soul? Then, this invitation is addressed to you: "Come to me"—to me, a Savior whose willingness is equal to my ability. To me, who never rejected a single soul who sought salvation and heaven at my hands—"Come to me... I will give you rest."
Sunday, July 3, 2011
July 3rd Worship Services
PPC was blessed today to celebrate the Lord's Supper, hear a sermon from John 6 on " The Bread Come Down from Heaven," and to enjoy visitors all the way from New Zealand. John and Leenie Van Wichen from Auckland, New Zealand were our honored guests. John is an elder in the Reformed Church of the North Shore. Our evening service will focus on the responsibilities of parents and our text will be taken from Ephesians 6.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
June 26th Worhip Services
Title: Living Stones in a Spiritual House
Scripture: 1 Peter 2
Pastor Sawyer's sermon at the morning worship service expounded upon Christ as the cornerstone of God's spiritual house, the church, and how its occupants are "a royal priesthood, a holy nation" with the purpose of building on that foundation to be united to Christ. For a recording of this week's sermon, contact the church secretary.
This evening's sermon is entitled "How to Inherit a Blessing" and will focus on 1 Peter 3. We would love to have you join us.
Scripture: 1 Peter 2
Pastor Sawyer's sermon at the morning worship service expounded upon Christ as the cornerstone of God's spiritual house, the church, and how its occupants are "a royal priesthood, a holy nation" with the purpose of building on that foundation to be united to Christ. For a recording of this week's sermon, contact the church secretary.
This evening's sermon is entitled "How to Inherit a Blessing" and will focus on 1 Peter 3. We would love to have you join us.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Please Join Us
Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal and Bible Study/Prayer Meeting have restarted for 2011. Pastor Sawyer continues to lead us through a study of Proverbs, now up to chapter 23. Tonight's study is on principles of child rearing. The menu this week is pizza, salad, desert, tea and lemonade.
We would love to welcome you. No need to cook, or clean up at home, it is all provided for you! Supper starts at 5:45 PM. We are finished by 7:00PM.
We would love to welcome you. No need to cook, or clean up at home, it is all provided for you! Supper starts at 5:45 PM. We are finished by 7:00PM.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Wanna Bee a Blessing?

Hope to see you there!
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